Cooking 2018年1月16日
フライドチキン Fried chicken
Good evening everyone, I am Madame’s assistant 🙂今日は商品紹介はお休みして、先生のお料理の紹介です。
Today we would like to introduce Madame’s cooking, instead of introducing products!本日のお昼に先生が作ってくれた、フライドチキンです (>ひ<)
This is today’s lunch, fried chicken cooked by Madame xD中身は肉汁たっぷりジューシーで衣はサクサクで、病みつきになります。
If you will try eating once, you will become addicted! The inside was full of really juicy gravy and the outside was crispy.先生は占いだけではなく、料理も上手で多彩です!
Madame is not only just a pro of fortune telling, she is also a pro of cooking! She is really a talented person!